Mombasa Beach Holidays in Kenya is an exciting one because of the fact that Mombasa is an historic site. The Portuguese explorer called Vasco Da Gama landed on the shores of Mombasa, that was in 1498. The purpose of his exploration was to spread the Christian faith and to further expand Portugal’s trading area. His arrival to Mombasa was met with much hostility among the local people, King of Malindi. was leading the hostility. Fort Jesus is Mombasa’s most popular tourist attraction. The fort, located along the coastline near the Old Town, is a monumental piece of architecture that was built in the 16th century by the Portuguese. The fort has a museum that displays various artefacts from the era where Mombasa served as a transit point for the slave trade and commodities, and which enjoyed regular visits by seafarers and the like. Its interior comprises of torture rooms and prison cells where slaves were kept in captivity before being traded. Weapons such as canons, which were used to defend the fort from invading foreigners as well as rioting locals, can be seen both inside and outside of the fort. The fort opens its gates for viewing in the morning and closes at dusk.
The Portuguese knew that Mombasa was essential in order to successfully trade their goods: hence in 1592 they used their power to make the King of Malindi the Sultan of Mombasa. In doing so the locals consequently had no choice but to obey the orders of the Sultan, which in turn came from the Portuguese Government.
The coastal town of Mombasa is the second largest city in Kenya, with a population of half a million. Located in the South-Eastern part of Kenya, it plays an important role in the country’s economy, not only for its imports and exports through its port-which is the largest in East Africa, but also as a destination for tourists visiting Kenya.
Mombasa undoubtedly has one of the best white sandy beaches and coral reefs that Africa has to offer. Coupled with an array of hotels on the beachfront situated along the North and South coasts of the town, it characterizes Mombasa as the ideal place for a vacation. This is why Mombasa is a major tourist destination, and the tourism industry the number one earner of foreign exchange in the country.
1. Fort Jesus.
2. Old Town
3. Hindu Temple
4. Mamba Village
5. Bamburi Nature Trails
6. Bombolulu workshops
7. The famous “Mombasa tusks” located in the city centre.
8. Ruins: Gedi Ruins
Activities in Mombasa beach.
Deep sea fishing.
Day safari to Tsavo East
Coastal city and historical tour
Dinner & dance cruise on Tamarind Dhow
Scuba diving